Friday, August 16, 2013

Installing Node.js, NPM and Karma on Ubuntu 11.10

I've seen many receipes for how to install Node.js and Karma on Ubuntu 11.10, but none as  simple as this.

Download latest Node.js from Unzip the .tar.gz file into some directory (from here called nodeJsDir).

Open a terminal and type in the following commands:

cd nodeJsDir
sudo make install

There after simple install karma by executing the command

sudo npm install -g karma

Karma can now be started executing

karma start

1 comment:

  1. Why Learn Node.js development: JavaScript is the language of the web now a days and indisputably for the near future, as there is no alternative to JavaScript on the horizon. Node.js itself is quite radical and it is the latest and near future of modern web application development joining hands with JavaScript as the sole server-side language.
